Nové partnerské mestá z Nórska

Počas osláv Dni mesta podpísal primátor Rožňavy Vladislav Laciak s primátormi dvoch nórskych miest Trøgstad a Skiptvet Memorandum o porozumení.



Memorandum deklaruje ochotu a vôľu vytvoriť a rozvíjať priateľstvo a spoluprácu medzi mestami a to hlavne v oblasti vzdelávania, kultúrnej výmeny a športu.

Informuje o tom oficiálna stránka mesta, odkiaľ je aj fotka a text podpísaného dokumentu.


Declaration of cooperation between the Municipality of Rožňava, The Slovak Republic and the Municipality of Trogstad, The Kingdom of Norway and the Municipality of Skipvet, The Kingdom of Norway.

We declare,
as there is the willingness and ambition to establish and develop our future friendship and cooperation, to work on in the areas of:

– the field of education,
– the field of cultural exchange,
– the field of sport,

so to exchange and culture, to participate at organizing cultural events held in either of municipalities, to find the possibilities and to use the opportunities of cooperation under the European Union fermes.

Rožňava, 1 February 2009


Tor Melvold                                   Svein Olav Agnalt                                       MUDr. Vladislav Laciak
Mayor of Trogstad                         Mayor of Skipvet                                        Mayor of Rožňava

BUĎTE PRVÝ V KOMENTOVANÍ ČLÁNKU "Nové partnerské mestá z Nórska"

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